Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happenings After Christmas Break

The 7th Graders did a lab last week involving milk, pH, and a variety of other liquids.  We just wrapped up a unit on bacteria including their helpfulness and harmfulness.  Now on to protists.

We are just finishing up one of my favorite units in science, "Matter".  Love teaching about atoms, chemical reactions, and why reactions happen.  Amazing, amazing world God has created!  Absolutely enjoy showing these kids the marvelous things HE has given us to explore.  The pictures above are molecules created by the students out of toothpicks and clay.

Videos for February 2nd - 6th

5th-6th Grade Science
Static Electricity

7th Grade Science
Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates (algae)
Beautiful Diatoms

Lesson Plans for the 1st Week in February

Lesson Plans for February 2nd - 6th

Just a reminder Mrs. Nelson will be gone Wednesday - Friday (February 4th - 6th).