Sunday, January 12, 2014

An Apology + Updates

First, I need to apologize for doing a horrid job of keeping my classroom blog up-to-date in the month of December.  Its one of those things where you get so far behind the attempt at catching up seems impossible to achieve.  So, I decided to just take baby post at a time and working backwards, so recent photos will be first.  My desire is to share all our activities with you just to give you a glimpse of our active classroom as the kids learn about God's world.

The 5th grade girls are learning about plants - seed bearing vs. non-seed bearing.  Their lab on Friday had them cutting up a variety of fruit (even fruit we say are vegetables) and compared/contrasted the seeds ~ color, shape, where located, size of seed vs. fruit produced, etc.  Very proud of these girls ~ used knives and no blood was shed!

The 6th graders are learning about electricity.  This week they constructed a circuit so they could test conductors and insulators brought from their homes.  Loved the moment when one student couldn't get the light bulb to shine while testing his conductor...a classmate suggested, "Maybe if you put the batteries in."  Gotta love the fact that sometimes the (seemingly) hardest problems are solved the easiest ways!  On Friday for lab the 6th graders continued their learning of circuits by understanding switches, parallel, volts, amps, etc. with Mr. D.

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