Friday, January 31, 2014

Science Lab Friday for 5th & 6th Graders

A molecule lab kept the 6th graders busy today.  They created models of molecules out of different color playdough and toothpicks.

The 5th graders are learning about motion.  All week they had to collaborate to develop an experiment that would determine which of 4 toy cars of different brands would be the fastest and would go the farthest.  They did a great job!!  The winner...Hot Wheels. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Science Projects This Week

Determining volume via water displacement.

Learning how volcanoes form

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Midshipman's Visit to MVCA

Midshipman Tyler L. Jacobsma was a visitor to Missouri Valley Christian Academy while on break from the U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland).  He spent the morning with the 8th graders sharing information about his major, oceanography, and then later talked to the whole school about obedience...something he knows ALOT about!  Plus, he showed off his push up abilities and challenged a few MVCA students to a push up duel.  Mr. Jacobsma will graduate in May and will be heading to North Carolina this summer for Marine officer training with the goal of becoming a pilot in the corp ~ Semper Fi. 

Lesson Plans for January 27th - 31st

Lesson Plans 1/27 - 1/31

Saturday, January 25, 2014

8th History ~ Chapter 15 Objectives

Chapter 15: The States at War


Section 1: Gearing Up for War
1.  Describe the recruitment and activities of soldiers as the war began.
2.  Compare the civilian preparations and sacrifices for war in the North with those in the South.

3.  List the modern aspects of the Civil War.

4.  Describe the main goals involved in the Union and Confederate strategies.
Section 2:  Marching into Battle

1.  Describe the activity and results of the First Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas.
2.  Explain how McClellan was defeated in the Seven Days’ Battle.
3.  Describe the activity and results of the Second Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas.

Section 3:  Controlling the Waters
1.  Describe the Union blockade and the Confederacy’s activity to overcome it.

2.  Name the Union general who successfully gained control of the Mississippi River for the North.

3.  Identify the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River to fall into Union hands.
Section 4:  Continuing the War in the East

1.  List three reasons Lee moved his forces into Maryland.
2.  Describe the circumstances of the Battle of Antietam.

3.  Explain the good and bad results of the Battle of Chancellorsville for the South.

4.  Describe the circumstances and results of the Battle of Gettysburg.
Section 5:  Waging Total War
1.  Explain the purpose and effects of the Emancipation Proclamation.

2.  Define total war.
3.  Describe the way the North carried on a war of attrition through the activities of Sheridan and Sherman.

4.  Identify the candidates in the 1864 presidential election and their respective parties, and explain the results of the election.
Section 6:  Ending the War
1.  Describe the way Grant finally pressured Lee to surrender.

2.  Name the place where Lee surrendered and give the date.
3.  Explain why the Civil War was so devastating for the country.

4.  Describe the assassination of Lincoln and its consequences.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Losing Heat

We had a great experiment involving both the 5th and 6th graders dealing with heat absorption.  They had to predict and then determine which liquid (water, syrup, vinegar, or canola oil) would absorb heat the fastest.  It went extremely well (Maybe on round 2 for one one of the groups...thankfully Mrs. Nelson always has extra materials for such occasions).  The lab included reading a thermometer accurately, measuring accurately, and much, MUCH collaboration.  This experiement could NOT be done by one, but rather a team.  Way to go, kids!  Love your attitudes and excitement for science.

I love to watch and listen to the kids collaborate during the experiment and when they finish as they go over their results and make conclusions.  Love, love my job!!

What's Up, Doc?

Jim Rydell brought his rabbits to MVCA before Christmas to talk about genetics, phenotype, genotype, etc. He breeds and shows rabbits for a hobby and it always striving to breed the "perfect" rabbit.  This was a great topic for both the 5th and 6th graders since both groups had just recently studied genetics.

Visiting the Dam Before Christmas


Our class was a bit light this day due to illness.  But, we still had fun visiting the dam and learning about electricity which fit perfectly with the 6th graders current and last unit in science.  The 5th grade girls just tagged along for the day!!

Last Week's Activities - 1/13 - 1/17

Making lemon, this experiment needed more work.
Learning about vascular tissue and how it transports water and minerals to the plant...and tints white carnations pink with red highlights.

Making an electromagnet and experimenting with the # of coils, batteries connected, etc.

Lesson Plans for January 20th - 23rd

Lesson Plans 1/20 - 1/23

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Perk of Working at MVCA

One of the perks of working at MVCA ~
wonderful birthday treats shared with fellow students and staff.
Chocolate & Peanut Butter...YUM!


Earlier last week the 5th grade girls finished a unit about the "Changing Planet Earth".  One of the experiments had them creating dirty water, pouring it into a bowl, and letting it set for a day.  So fun to watch them analyze the layers and what each layer has in it.  Love, love their wonderful minds ~ future scientists?

An Apology + Updates

First, I need to apologize for doing a horrid job of keeping my classroom blog up-to-date in the month of December.  Its one of those things where you get so far behind the attempt at catching up seems impossible to achieve.  So, I decided to just take baby post at a time and working backwards, so recent photos will be first.  My desire is to share all our activities with you just to give you a glimpse of our active classroom as the kids learn about God's world.

The 5th grade girls are learning about plants - seed bearing vs. non-seed bearing.  Their lab on Friday had them cutting up a variety of fruit (even fruit we say are vegetables) and compared/contrasted the seeds ~ color, shape, where located, size of seed vs. fruit produced, etc.  Very proud of these girls ~ used knives and no blood was shed!

The 6th graders are learning about electricity.  This week they constructed a circuit so they could test conductors and insulators brought from their homes.  Loved the moment when one student couldn't get the light bulb to shine while testing his conductor...a classmate suggested, "Maybe if you put the batteries in."  Gotta love the fact that sometimes the (seemingly) hardest problems are solved the easiest ways!  On Friday for lab the 6th graders continued their learning of circuits by understanding switches, parallel, volts, amps, etc. with Mr. D.

Lesson Plans for January 13th - 17th

Lesson Plans 1/13-1/17