Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Videos - Earth Science - 12/10

Dust Bowl - Part 1

Dust Bowl - Part 2

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

4th Typing Assignment

JUNE 28, 1776
From the book, Unlikely Heroes, by Ron Carter
British Admiral Sir Peter Parker stood on the quarterdeck of his flagship, HMS Bristol, anchored in the Atlantic Ocean just outside the entrance to the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina.  He extended his telescope and for a long time studied the fort that stood on the great sandbar that partially blocked the harbor entrance.  With several other British warships under his command, he had been ordered to bombard Charleston into submission and to give general support to British troops that were to invade the southern colonies to put down the American rebellion.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

P.E. at the Range

We had a great time at the range a couple of weeks ago.  Even our staff and parents got behind the .22 and took a few shots.  Huge THANK YOU to the Yankton County Sharpshooters for hosting us.

Bendable Bones

 We had to borrow a kindergarten student to finish a study we were doing in 5th/6th grade science about age and how it affects the ratios of head circumference to height and leg length to height.  
The 5th/6th graders are learning about the endocrine system.

The 5th /6th graders found out how important calcium is for STRONG bones.  Chicken bones were placed in vinegar for a week and the results are seen above in the two photos.  The students also learned about the chemical reactions that took place to make the bendable bones. 

 We have been blessed with some beautiful late summer weather to keep us outdoors for p.e. class.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

First Full Week of School ~ Full of Activities

 The 7th/8th graders had to design their own experiment to test which of 3 types of soils would hold the most water.  Each experiment was different reflecting the uniqueness of each student in the groups.  Looking forward to hearing their conclusions later this week.

 "Cool!"  "Wow!"  "Come look at this!"  These are just a few of the statements I heard on Thursday as the 5th/6th graders brought in items from home to look at under the microscopes.  We had a snake skin, leaf, dog hair, baby spider, cricket leg, and crystal.  It was fun to watch them be amazed at God's  creation at the microscopic level.
The breakfast of a teacher rushing from a 7:40 am radio interview to the classroom by 8:15 am.  Love being on the air talking about the school on KYNT 1450am here in Yankton ~ first Wednesday of each month. 

Had to share this photo because I think a batch of these will be showing up for our 3rd Annual Fall Banquet and Auction on October 24th.  My daughter Mary makes these cute pink pigs.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Forty, the Ultimate Biblical Number

Bible Trivia is held on Friday's in the 7th & 8th grade classroom for devotions.  This past week the students answered the following the following 20 questions and see how you would do?  The results for the two teams from Friday are below.  Blessings ~

1) Who was told by God that rain would fall for forty days and forty nights?
2) Who boasted that he had 5x received the punishment of forty lashes minus one?
3) Who prophesied that the pagan city Nineveh would be destroyed in forty days?
4) What wise king reigned in Israel for forty years?
5) Who was forty years old when he married Rebekah?
6) What did Noah release from the ark after forty days?
7) With whom was God grieved for forty years?
8) Who was the target of an assassination plot by forty men?
9) Who was tempted by the devil for forty days?
10) Which prophet asked, "Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?
11) Who pleaded with God not to destroy Sodom for the sake of forty righteous people?
12) What man-and-woman military leadership team gave Israel forty righteous people?
13) What food did the Israelites eat for forty years?
14) Who was in the midst of a cloud for forty days?
15) What did Moses receive after being with the Lord forty days?
16) Who explored the land of Canaan for forty days?
17) Why did God make Israel wander in the wilderness for forty years?
18) What leader did forty thousand Israelites muster under?
19) Who subdued the Midianites so that Israel had forty years of peace?
20) Who bragged for forty days in front of the Israelite army?

One team got 16 right and the other 15 right...close call.  Very proud of these kids and the knowledge they have of the Bible at this middle school level.

And, We Are Off!

The 2015-16 school year has begun for MVCA.  I am blessed with 7 students for grades 7th/8th in the morning and 7 students for grades 5th/6th in the afternoon.  So excited for these two classes and the activities we are going to get into over the next nine months!

How cool is it to have a lab on the first day of school!  Well, the 5th & 6th graders had just that...making observations with quantitative and qualitative data.

Even Mrs. Nelson has a first day of school photo.  I'm shown with my son and daughter, both MVCA students.  My daughter is in my classroom and my son is right next door ~ keeping close tabs on both of them all day long.  I don't know if they like it, but mom sure does!

Lesson Plans for 8/31 - 9/4

Lesson Plans for August 31st - September 4th

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Khan Academy - Pre Algebra Review for 8th Graders

Since your online Algebra I class does not begin until September 8th, you will review some pre-algebra concepts via Khan Academy.  You will find the link below.  Please work through all the videos and questions  in order...
1) Negative Numbers and Absolute Value
2) Factors and Multiples
3) Decimals
4) Fractions
5) Ratios, Proportions, Units, and Rates

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happenings After Christmas Break

The 7th Graders did a lab last week involving milk, pH, and a variety of other liquids.  We just wrapped up a unit on bacteria including their helpfulness and harmfulness.  Now on to protists.

We are just finishing up one of my favorite units in science, "Matter".  Love teaching about atoms, chemical reactions, and why reactions happen.  Amazing, amazing world God has created!  Absolutely enjoy showing these kids the marvelous things HE has given us to explore.  The pictures above are molecules created by the students out of toothpicks and clay.

Videos for February 2nd - 6th

5th-6th Grade Science
Static Electricity

7th Grade Science
Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates (algae)
Beautiful Diatoms

Lesson Plans for the 1st Week in February

Lesson Plans for February 2nd - 6th

Just a reminder Mrs. Nelson will be gone Wednesday - Friday (February 4th - 6th).