Saturday, January 9, 2016

Busy First Week Back

 The earth science class is learning about plate tectonics and the activities and formations found along the boundaries.  The first activity was putting a ripped magazine page back together ~ like a puzzle.  We talked about Alfred Wegener and the theory of continental drift.

 Earth science students made "lava lamps".  
Our discussion focused on currents and the convection currents found in the earth.

 The 5th/6th graders in science began a new unit about farming and forestry.  The first lab this week had them looking at, comparing, and drawing seeds from various fruits and vegetables.  Yes, I do trust my students with knives.  How else do you get seeds out of an apple?

After talking about photosynthesis and the food (glucose) produced, we then discussed this stuff called "starch".  The next lab had the students looking for starch in such foods as pasta, rice, potatoes, orange, pear, lettuce, and bread.  Hmmm...why did parts of the banana turn dark when in the presence of iodine??  I think I see an unplanned lab for Monday with ripe and unripe fruit!

Had to grab this photo from my daughter's chicken house over the Christmas break.  
Just a beautiful sight when the sun is shining.

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